
What Santa Knows About Hearing Aids and You Should, Too

Image of Santa Claus in front of heap of letters reading one of them

What’s that ringing you hear at this time of year?

For some, it’s just tinnitus acting up. But for most, it’s the sound of stores ringing up sales generated by Santa Claus.

Sure he’s north of 65, wears his hair long, doesn’t own a razor, and wears funny clothes. But don’t overlook his success. Santa is a marketing master and you can become one, too, if you follow his proven strategies.

What? You don’t believe in Santa Claus? It’s true that everything you read about Santa at this time of year may qualify as fake news but ask anybody, including millions of children, who Santa is, and you’ll get pretty much the same answer.

So even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, let’s agree to suspend reality for a minute and take a look at why Santa is a marketing master.

Knows How to Be Unique

Whether it is his unflattering red suit, his alternative fuel transportation, his jolly laugh, or his unique vocation, Santa is different. He’s one of a kind, which makes him memorable. Of course, you don’t need to go to these extremes to be memorable to your patients — you could just decorate your office with your guitar collection.

Gets Free Publicity

Even without a Twitter account, he’s a master at getting attention. He’s mentioned in the media constantly during the winter holidays. His secret? Do good and act a bit strange.


While everyone knows Santa, his marketing isn’t focused on his credentials. He rarely talks about himself or his business. Instead, he makes a big effort to understand what people want. It is estimated that each year over a million letters are sent to Santa and with the help of his glasses, he reads them all.

And if that’s not enough, in a non-COVID year Santa stops by thousands of shopping malls around the country, listening to an average of nine thousand children per mall. All to find out more about what his “customers” want.

Gives Something Away For Free

While most of the presents under the tree are from family, including the annual fruitcake from Aunt Betty, typically at least one gift bears Santa’s name. How can you not love someone who gives so many presents away each year and whose only expectation is a couple of cookies and a glass of milk?

Knows What He Is Selling

Santa knows what he is selling, and it’s not just games and toys. Santa sells hope, whether it is for the latest video game, a warm sweater, or happiness. And when you know how to market to hope, you’ll give your patients what they want and sell a lot more hearing aids!

How can you market your practice more like Santa Claus does his?

Here are 5 ways to make Santa’s marketing strategy work for you:

  1. Clarify how you and your audiology practice are unique, and what it is that separates you from the crowd. You don’t need to put on a red suit. Define yourself by the hearing problems you solve, the expertise you provide, and what your patients say about you.
  2. Get free publicity for your medical practice, not just during the holidays but all year long. Sometimes imaginative stunts like appearing in a sleigh help.
  3. Ask your patients what they want and then provide services and products that give them what they’ve asked for. The better you understand their concerns, the better services or products you’ll provide.
  4. Give something away for free. Some of the audiology practices we work with give away a handful of hearing aids during the holidays. Use your free offer to prompt patients to contact you. It works for Santa and it can work for you.
  5. Know what you are selling. Your hearing aid products and services bring in the money, but what do they stand for? What do they represent to your patients?

Sell your patients on achieving their objectives and dreams and deliver with great hearing aids that provide tangible results they can appreciate.

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, market like Santa, and you too can have many happy patients this and every season, without having to squeeze down a single sooty chimney.

Looking for more ideas? Here are some creative ways to boost hearing aid sales over the holidays.

Achieve more. Talk to us.

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