Practis Forms “tip-bits”: Enhance Patient Experience with In-Office Form Completion

Use your online forms in your waiting room!

In a perfect scenario, your patients will all fill out their forms online before they get to your office. However, if they’re not used to this process, or they’re not the most technically savvy, it’s going to take a bit for them to warm up to the idea.

By using a tablet or some other device in your waiting room, pulling up the forms page, and having them fill it out there you are helping in a few ways:

  • You are keeping all of of your forms together in one place. When you have some paper and some online, you put yourself at risk of losing information.
  • This introduces your patients to the online world! Once they’ve done it a time or two, they’ll now know that they can do this at home.
  • Waiting time goes down. Instead of having to print out forms, package them up, and then review with the patient, you simply give them the device and you’re done!

If you haven’t started using Practis Forms yet, contact us today! Get started and make your office staff and patients happier in just a few clicks.