How to Use Video to Educate & Engage Your Patients

Educating patients is vital to improving quality and getting buy-in

As healthcare providers today, you have the responsibility to not only provide care for your patients,  but also educate, engage and inspire them to be proactive with their own care.  Through education, patients are made aware about their condition, treatment options and ways to stay healthy. The reality is,  with limited resources, the process of educating patients can be a challenge for you. Video based patient education content can help, and here’s how:

Research shows that video delivers instructions more effectively.

When patients watch a video to learn about their condition, treatment, or self-care, they are more likely to act on what they’ve seen. Patient education videos can help to explain a variety of things including:

Information About Procedures

By watching a step-by-step video of what happens during a procedure, patients will gain a clearer understanding of what to expect. There are many licensed video options that offer a number of procedures animations so you don’t have to create a custom video on your own.

Talk a look at this live example

Discharge & Procedure Instructions

At the time of discharge, patients are typically handed a set of instructions. While many discharge instructions are often printed, you can also opt to provide a link to a website address where a a series of instructional videos are embedded. These instructional videos could provide helpful information about medications, exercise and/or therapy, dietary information, proper monitoring and more.

Exercise Videos

Helping patients with chronic conditions and injury improve their range of motion and ease tension through at-home exercise is what video does best. Folks are more likely to adhere to an exercise program when following along with a video. Create a library of video exercises to share with your patients, trainers, and others online.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Think about the types of questions you receive everyday. Recording answers to those commonly asked questions can may help to elevate some of calls you receive. Keep in mind that you don’t need a professional to create your videos. Simply grab a cell phone and hit record. An RN or other staff member can pose the question and then provide an answer. Once you download a YouTube app to your phone and connect your phone to your YouTube account, you can upload your video file and tag it.

Want to learn more?

Video content is the answer to today’s short attention spans. Bottom line, visually expressive storytelling adds up to better comprehension and engagement. Contact Practis for more information on implementing patient education videos on your medical website.