Is a Website Important for My Medical Practice?

Companies that have a strong web presence are expected to grow 40 percent faster than companies that don’t have websites. There are a range of benefits to having a website for your medical practice, some of which include:

  • Increased marketability for new patients– Building a website allows patients from different counties and cities to access your information, expanding your patient base.
  • Your site makes your information available to patients 24 hours a day – A website makes your phone number, address, office hours and content available to patients 24 hours a day. This can be especially helpful for patients experiencing medical emergencies.
  • Easy access for patients to request appointments – Websites that include add-ons such as request an appointment buttons make it easier for patients to make appointments even if the office isn’t open. Practis, LLC provides secure online appointment forms to all medical practices to improve ease of use and patient security on websites.
  • Increased efficiency in the office – Having a website with information about the practice and online appointment forms reduces the time staff spends on the phone answering commonly asked questions, allowing more time to focus on patients and improve how the practice operates.
  • It gives you the ability to provide accurate, important information to current and potential clients – Giving patients access to information on procedures and services offered at the practice makes you a knowledge-base for patients and increases your credibility.
  • Improved patient experience – We’ve all experienced longer waiting room times due to  patient forms. Allowing patients to download patient forms and fill them out  before the appointment improves patient experience at your office.

Build a Medical Website with Practis, LLC

Practis, LLC provides clients with semi-custom and custom website designs. In addition to creating quality designs for medical practices, we also provide medical websites with secure online appointment forms, keyword-friendly medical content and Practis charts to display your statistics. Call 704-887-5300 for information.