Healthwise Information on Infant and Toddler Health

Winter is a time when children seem to get sick with ear infections, colds and even the flu. This month’s focus from Healthwise is Infant and Toddler Health to help with some of the common issues that arise during colder months . Here are a few sample blogs and articles from the most recent newsletter:

Tube or no tube

If your child gets multiple ear infections and has fluid buildup in his or her ears, your doctor might recommend ear tubes. But are ear tubes the only solution? What are the risks and benefits of ear tubes? Don’t get discouraged. Get the facts, and then think about your own feelings about treating your child’s ear problem. Here’s a one-stop resource with information about ear tubes. [Create a hyperlink to the Ear Problems: Should My Child Be Treated for Fluid Buildup in the Middle Ear? Decision Point on your website. DOCHWID=aa60386#bo1088]

Antibiotics for ear infections?

Are you on the fence about giving your child antibiotics for an ear infection? Taking antibiotics when they’re not needed can make it hard for these medicines to work the next time your child really does need them. What’s best for your child? What other treatments might help? What are the side effects of taking antibiotics? Along with the medical reasons, your child’s feelings and your own feelings are important to consider. Here’s a little help if you’re facing this decision. [Create a hyperlink to the Ear Infection: Should I Give My Child Antibiotics? Decision Point on your website. DOCHWID=te6203]

OTC drug safety for children

When your child is miserable with a cold or headache, it’s normal to want to give him or her something to help ease the symptoms. But how do you know what is safe for kids? Using medicines safely means knowing when they’re needed—and when they’re not. Studies show over-the-counter cough and cold medicines don’t work very well. Some of these medicines can cause problems if used too much. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before giving over-the-counter medicines to children. Find out how to give the right amount of medicine, how to store medicine, and other safety tips here. [Create a hyperlink to the Quick Tips: Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children Topic on your website. DOCHWID=ad1205]

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