Healthwise E-links – Immunizations and autism

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Immunizations and autism

This month’s focus is on immunizations and the fears about a connection between immunizations and the development of autism. It’s a great time to educate and engage your members and patients about the benefits of immunizations and discuss some of the myths that persist about vaccines and autism. The Healthwise Knowledgebase has the resources you need to help people understand information about vaccines, have important conversations with their doctors, and ultimately make decisions that are right for them.

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Learning about autism

Autism can be a scary word for parents. It’s a developmental disorder of the brain that appears in early childhood. Symptoms vary but can include difficulty relating to people, communication problems, fixation on certain objects, difficulty with changes to routines or surroundings, and repetitive body movements such as hand flapping. Treatment may include behavioral training, speech therapy, or physical therapy. If you’re living with a child with autism, here’s a useful link to information that talks about the symptoms and treatments for autism and the support and training your family might need. [Create a hyperlink to the Autism Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=hw152184]

Get the facts about immunizations

What are immunizations, and why does my child need them? Do I have to follow a schedule? Aren’t most of the diseases that immunizations protect against already gone? These are just some of the questions you’ll find answers to in this helpful guide to immunizations. Also called vaccines or vaccinations, immunizations contain medicine that causes the body to make antibodies. These antibodies can then recognize and fight diseases if you or your child is later exposed to them. If you’re getting ready to vaccinate your child, read this helpful resource for answers to frequently asked questions and myths you may have heard about vaccinations. [Create a hyperlink to the Immunizations: Questions Parents Ask Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=abg8629]

Autism and vaccines: Myths vs. facts

The exact cause of autism is unknown. Despite the fact that thorough studies have found no link between vaccines and autism, parents sometimes have concerns about vaccines and their role in children developing autism. In these cases, it’s so important to understand the benefits of immunizations and the risks of serious diseases in children who are not vaccinated. If you’re the parent of a young child and you’ve heard some of the debate around certain immunizations, here’s a guide that talks about the research into vaccines and helps you understand the myths vs. the facts, including combination vaccines and the use of preservatives in vaccines. [Create a hyperlink to the Autism and Vaccines Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=ue4907]

Immunizations 101

What are immunizations anyway? You may have many questions, like who needs immunizations and at what ages, why are they needed, timing, safety, side effects, and what diseases the vaccines protect you from. This helpful guide has sections on childhood, teen, and adult immunizations, travel, and frequently asked questions. Check the link to this comprehensive guide to help you answer questions you may have about immunizations for you and your children. [Create a hyperlink to the Immunizations Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=immun]

Immunizations: Staying on track

Did you know that your child needs several doses of some vaccines and that your teenagers still need immunizations and/or booster shots as they get older? With approval from several expert groups, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes immunization schedules, reviews them every year, and makes new ones as needed. Here’s a link that gives you colorful charts to guide you through the immunizations you and your children need throughout life. Print out each of three charts: Childhood Ages 0–6, Childhood Ages 7–18, and Adults 19 or older. [Create a hyperlink to the Immunization Schedules Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=zj1461]

Teasers for social media 

  • Does your child have an autism spectrum disorder? Here’s a look how to cope with the symptoms and at treatment choices. [Insert a shortened URL to the Autism Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=hw152184]
  • This useful guide helps you understand how immunizations help keep you and your child from getting certain diseases. [Insert a shortened URL to the Immunizations: Questions Parents Ask Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID= abg8629]
  • Parents sometimes have concerns about vaccines and their role in children developing autism. This guide will help you understand the facts. [Insert a shortened URL to the Autism and Vaccines Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=ue4907]
  • Check out this comprehensive guide to help answer questions you may have about immunizations. [Insert a shortened URL to the Immunizations Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID= immun]
  • Here are helpful charts that show when you, your young children, and your older teens need vaccines and boosters. [Insert a shortened URL to the Immunization Schedules Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=zj1461

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