HealthLinks: Stress Awareness

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with these Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You can also place the copy in emails, newsletters, or any other patient materials.

4 ways to cope when things feel out of control

What do you do when you’re stressed out? When life feels chaotic or overwhelming, it can be easy to get stuck in a cycle of stress and worry. But there are a few easy things you can do to manage these feelings and find some calm. Discover four tips for coping with stress here.

[Create a hyperlink to Tips to Help You Cope When Things Feel Out of Control on your website. DOCHWID=acl3248]

Your reactions matter—how can you change yours?

We often can’t control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we react. When something stressful happens, you may react with frustration and even some choice words. But what if the next time you felt stressed, you reacted in a way that calmed you down, helped you feel better, and renewed your energy? As hard as it may sound, it’s possible with practice. Here’s how.

[Create a hyperlink to Rethink How You Respond to Stress on your website. DOCHWID=ack9640]

Here’s what stress does to your body and mind

Stress can be helpful—it gives you a burst of energy when you’re in danger and can help you become more alert and focused. But if you’re stressed too often or if your stress lasts too long, it can negatively affect your body. Watch this video to find out how your mind and body react to stress and what you can do about it.

[Create a hyperlink to How Your Mind and Body React to Stress on your website. DOCHWID=abo1933]

3 steps toward a less stressed life

How can you lessen your stress? Many people want to better manage the stress in their lives and find more balance and joy. A less stressed life usually helps us be the person we want to be. Follow these three steps to get on the path to a less stressed life.

[Create a hyperlink to Taking Steps Toward a Less Stressed Life on your website. DOCHWID=ack9355]

Social Media Teasers

  • What do you do when you’re stressed out? Discover four easy things you can do to cope with your worry and find some calm.
    [Create a shortened URL to Tips to Help You Cope When Things Feel Out of Control DOCHWID=acl3248]
  • Imagine if the next time you felt stressed, you reacted in a way that calmed you and renewed your energy. It’s possible with practice!
    [Create a shortened URL to Rethink How You Respond to Stress DOCHWID=ack9640]
  • Long-lasting or frequent stress can negatively affect your mind and body. Learn more about the effects and what you can do about them.
    [Create a shortened URL to How Your Mind and Body React to Stress DOCHWID=abo1933]
  • How can you lessen your stress? Follow these three steps to get on the path to a less stressed life and find more balance and joy.
    [Create a shortened URL to Taking Steps Toward a Less Stressed Life DOCHWID=ack9355]