HealthLinks: Heart Health

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with these Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You can also place the copy in emails, newsletters, or any other patient materials.

What’s your risk level?

How’s your heart health? Are you at risk for a heart attack or stroke? Your doctor can do a screening to find out. The screening looks at your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other factors to determine your risk. If you need to lower your risk, together with your doctor you can decide what health habits to change and what treatment is best for you. Find out more about screening for heart attack and stroke risk here.

[Create a hyperlink to Heart Attack and Stroke Risk Screening on your website. DOCHWID=ug2562]

What does a cholesterol test actually measure?

During a physical exam, your doctor may recommend cholesterol and triglycerides tests. These tests measure lipids—fats and fatty substances your body uses for energy. Lipids are stored in your blood and tissues. High lipid levels may mean you’re at higher risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke. Learn more about these blood tests here.

[Create a hyperlink to Cholesterol and Triglycerides Tests on your website. DOCHWID=hw207814]

5 ways to help your heart health?

Heart disease can mean a lot of things—but one of the most common types of heart disease is coronary artery disease. To help lower your risk of getting this common condition, there are five things you can do right now. Watch this video to find out more.

[Create a hyperlink to Coronary Artery Disease: 5 Ways to Help Lower Your Risk on your website. DOCHWID=abn0368]

Are statins for you?

Statins are medicines that help prevent coronary artery disease. Statins help lower the bad cholesterol in your blood, and side effects of these medicines are rare. If you’re at high risk for heart attack or stroke, use this interactive tool to help you decide if statins are right for you.

[Create a hyperlink to Statins: Should I Take Them to Prevent a Heart Attack or Stroke? on your website. DOCHWID=aa44406]

Social Media Teasers

  • Are you at high risk for a heart attack or stroke? Your doctor can do a screening to find out.
    [Create a shortened URL to Heart Attack and Stroke Risk Screening DOCHWID=ug2562]
  • Ever wonder what a cholesterol test actually measures? Lipids! Find out more about what they are and what they do here.
    [Create a shortened URL to Cholesterol and Triglycerides Tests DOCHWID=hw207814]
  • Take action to help your heart’s health with these five do-it-yourself strategies. Watch this short video for the whole list.
    [Create a shortened URL to Coronary Artery Disease: 5 Ways to Help Lower Your Risk DOCHWID=abn0368]
  • Are statins for you? They can help prevent heart disease, and side effects are rare. Use this interactive tool to learn more.
    [Create a shortened URL to Statins: Should I Take Them to Prevent a Heart Attack or Stroke? DOCHWID=aa44406]