HealthLinks: Headaches

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Article Teasers

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Managing migraine headaches

A migraine is a throbbing headache that’s painful enough to stop your usual activities. You may also feel sick to your stomach, avoid light and noise, or have changes in your vision. Migraines run in families, but experts aren’t sure why some people get migraines and others don’t. You can often avoid migraines by figuring out what causes them. Your doctor can also prescribe medicine to keep them from happening in the first place or keep the pain at bay. Learn more about migraines and your treatment options.

[Create a hyperlink to the Migraine Headaches Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=hw116874]

Does your child have a headache?

It’s hard not to feel helpless when your child has a headache. Over-the-counter pain medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can treat most headaches. Try to find out what causes your child’s headaches. Knowing these causes may help your child’s doctor decide whether the pain is caused by a migraine headache or a tension headache. Learn more about headaches in children.

[Create a hyperlink to the Headaches in Children Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=ad1207]

What’s triggering your headaches?

Having a headache is no fun, especially when the weather is beautiful and you’d rather be outside. Everyone gets headaches sometimes, but knowing your triggers—the actions, emotions, foods, and even weather conditions that cause your headaches—can help you avoid many of them. Some triggers are common, while others may be unique to you. A few might even surprise you. For example, did you know that taking over-the-counter pain medicine too often can actually cause more headaches? Read about common headache triggers and explore your treatment options to stay pain-free.

[Create a hyperlink to the Headaches: Managing a Headache Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=tk2559]

Treat and prevent tension headaches

Most headaches are tension headaches. They’re rarely a sign of anything serious, but that doesn’t make them any less painful. In fact, although they differ from migraines in several ways, they can be just as disruptive and uncomfortable. Common triggers include stress, depression, hunger, and muscle strain. A tension headache typically causes steady pain or pressure on both sides of your head. Learn more about the differences between tension headaches and migraines, how to treat a tension headache, and how to keep them from happening in the first place.

[Create a hyperlink to the Tension Headaches Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=rt1023]

Social Teasers

  • Don’t suffer in silence! Find your migraine triggers and learn which medicines can keep your headaches at bay.  [Insert a shortened URL to the Migraine Headaches Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=hw116874]
  • Can you tell when your child has a headache? Learn the signs, common triggers, and when to call a doctor. [Insert a shortened URL to the Headaches in Children Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=ad1207]
  • Figuring out what’s triggering your headaches is half the battle. Spoiler: It might be your pain medicine. [Insert a shortened URL to the Headaches: Managing a Headache Topic Overview on your website. DOCHWID=tk2559]
  • Tension headaches are rarely serious, but they’re no fun. Learn how to get relief and keep them from coming back. [Insert a shortened URL to the Tension Headaches Topic Overview on your website DOCHWID=rt1023]