Giving Thanks for a Job Well Loved

Giving Thanks

I speak for all of us at Dobies Health Marketing when I say this: we LOVE what we do at work every day. As healthcare marketing strategists, artists, storytellers, brand-builders and more, we feel very fortunate that our work empowers us to make a difference. While marketers everywhere have the opportunity to strengthen brands and connect people to products and services, not every marketer can say inspiring others to make their health a priority is the driving force behind their strategies and communications. If we were marketing soda or rental cars, for instance, our work would bring results to our clients, but the overall impact wouldn’t feel as meaningful.

Carol Dobies touched on this very topic last week when she blogged about our mission statement and what drives our team to excel. In case you missed it, here’s an excerpt:

“We come to work every day because we fundamentally believe our work makes a difference in how people think about health. The creative messages we send into the airwaves for a community hospital, for instance, inspire consumers to take their health more seriously…We succeed when our strategy, words and designs inspire people to make better, more informed decisions about health and contribute to improved care and quality of life for patients…Simply put, our work illuminates the better decision.”

So, on this special day of thanks, we just wanted to express how thankful we are for each and every opportunity to bridge gaps between patients and providers, and between providers and better business solutions. To all our clients past, present and future: thank you for partnering with us for such meaningful work. Happy Thanksgiving!