Privacy Policy

Company: Onspire Health Marketing 
Address: 8720 Red Oak Blvd, Suite 220, Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone: 803-672-4815

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

In order to provide you with timely information and excellent customer service, we record some information from the forms you complete on our site. If you send us personally-identifying information, for example, in an email message containing feedback or a request, we use the personally-identifying information from our visitors to process their request and or provide follow-up information regarding their comments. If you communicate with us by email you should understand that email is not secure against interception. If your communication includes sensitive or confidential information, please contact us by phone or mail.

We collect information about you through your use of our Service and/or from the web sites and services provided by our Customers.

We use cookies on our websites to deliver our online services. By using this website you agree to our use of cookies.

From Customers

When you create an account, you provide us with a username, password, name, and email address, as well as one or more websites that you own. If you make a purchase, you provide us with your billing information such as credit card number, bank information and address. This information is used for the purposes of having and maintaining your account. Your email is only used for important account notifications, such as a failed payment or  service related issues and general information.

Website Users

If you visit our site to read or download information, such as forms or other related materials, we collect and store only the following information about you:

  • The name of the domain or IP address from which you access the Internet
  • The date and time you access our site
  • The Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site
  • What pages were viewed during your session

For website visitors, we use this information to measure the number of visitors to the different features hosted and information posted on our site. This data helps us to measure the usefulness of site content and features and make decisions about site enhancements. We use cookies on our site and could obtain identifying information about you when you visit our site.

For customers, we use this information to provide and maintain our service to you, better understand how you use our service so that we can improve our service or provide ongoing support. We also utilize your information to contact you with important notifications, such as needed support or billing issues.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded and linked to content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracing your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Who we share your data with

If you request to be listed on our mailing list and provide us with your email address to do so or are referred to us by one of our partners, this information could be traded to other sites or organizations. If you wish to opt out of any information exchange or sale, please contact us to let us know.

For our Practis Forms service, we do not share your data with any third party.

How long we retain your data

For the Onspire Health Marketing website, if you post a review or submit a comment or question to us, this data is retained indefinitely in our systems. For posted reviews, this is done so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue. For submitted questions or comments, this is done so that we have an accurate history of sales and customer interactions.

For our Practis Forms service, encrypted patient data is retained for a period of 30 days and account log files are retained for 90 days.

What rights you have over your data

If you submitted comments or questions through our site, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

How we protect your data

To the best of our ability, we protect all of our data from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access and destruction. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate security measures to safeguard the information we collect online. We use Secure Sockets Layers (SSL), the industry standard, for our website. SSL encrypts your information into a highly indecipherable code before it travels over the Internet.

Onspire Health Marketing follows and complies with the technical, administrative and physical requirements set forth under HIPAA HiTech with respect to the data we collect through our Practis Forms Service.

What third parties we receive data from

For analytics, Onspire Health Marketing receives data about website visitors from Google.

Please note, Onspire Health Marketing’s privacy policy is subject to change without notice.

Website Disclaimer

Website visitors acknowledge and agree that access to and use of this website and the information on the website is at your sole risk. You agree that Onspire Health Marketing, nor its officers, directors, employees, agents, or suppliers shall have any liability of any kind to you in connection with your use of this website. Onspire Health Marketing provides this website and information “AS IS.” Onspire Health Marketing AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Information on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. Onspire Health Marketing, may also make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this information at any time without notice.


Stock Photography

The persons shown in photographs on this website are stock photography models (Models) and are not actual patients of, nor are they affiliated with, Onspire Health Marketing, Onspire Health Marketing’s direct and indirect parent companies, subsidiaries, or subsidiaries of its parent companies (“Affiliates”). Onspire Health Marketing or Onspire Health Marketing’s Affiliates, have obtained the rights to use the photographs via license agreements with certain third party stock photography companies, and Onspire Health Marketing or Onspire Health Marketing’s Affiliates use of the photographs is in compliance with the terms of those license agreements.

The photographs showing the Models are used on this website for illustrative purposes only. The Models do not personally endorse Onspire Health Marketing, or any products, services, causes, or endeavors associated with, or provided by, Onspire Health Marketing or any of Onspire Health Marketing’s Affiliates. The context in which the photographs are used on this website is not intended to reflect personally on any of the Models shown in the photographs. Onspire Health Marketing, Onspire Health Marketing’s Affiliates, their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and/or independent contractors assume no liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to the use of the photographs showing the Models on this website.

Privacy Policy for California Residents

This Privacy Policy for California Residents supplements the information contained in Onspire Health Marketing’s privacy policy above, and applies solely to all visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California (“consumers” or “you”). We adopt this notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and as amended and effective January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). Any terms defined in the CCPA and CPRA have the same meaning when used in this Policy. The CCPA and CPRA are collectively referred to as the “CCPA” for purposes of this Notice.

To the extent allowed by law, this policy does not cover certain written or oral communications or information obtained in the course of a business-to-business relationship (“B2B Information”).

Information We Collect

We collect information from individuals that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer, household, or device (“personal information“). Personal information does not include:

  • Publicly available information from government records.
  • Deidentified or aggregated consumer information.
  • Information excluded from the CCPA’s scope that may be covered by additional laws and regulations such as:
    • health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA), clinical trial data, or other qualifying research data;
    • personal information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

In particular, we have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months:

A. Identifiers.A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.Yes
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information.Yes
C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law.Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).No
D. Commercial information.Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.Yes
E. Biometric information.Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data.Yes
F. Internet or other similar network activity.Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.Yes
G. Inferences drawn from other personal information.Profile reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.Yes

Highly Sensitive Information

Certain of the categories listed above represent “Highly Sensitive Information” as such term is defined in the CPRA. We do not collect, use, share or store Highly Sensitive Information except for purposes of performing our services, providing our products or for such purposes as requested by you. For example, we may collect Highly Sensitive Information such as credit card or financial information for purposes of a transaction involving our products or services. We may also use Highly Sensitive Information to conduct background checks or for other purposes authorized by yourself. We do not share Highly Sensitive Information with third parties unless they are necessary to assist us in performing the services requested. We do not sell Highly Sensitive Information to any third-parties. We also may collect Highly Sensitive Information in an employment context if you are applying for a position with our company or are currently or formerly employed by our company. For more information regarding our Highly Sensitive Information in an employment context please see below “CCPA Notice at Collection for California Employees and Applicants”.

Retention Periods for Highly Sensitive Information

Pursuant to the requirements of the CPRA [Specifically, Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.100(a)(3)], we would like to inform you that we will only keep personal information and Highly Sensitive Information for so long as it is reasonably necessary to do so in accordance with the provisions of the CPRA and our internal policies. If you are concerned regarding our retention of your personal information including Highly Sensitive Information you may request deletion of such information in accordance with the provisions of this Notice in the manner set forth below. We may be required by law to retain certain information including your personal information and Highly Sensitive Information, or may choose to retain certain information for a legitimate business purpose.

Use of Personal Information

We may use, or disclose the personal information we collect for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To fulfill or meet the reason you provided the information. For example, if you share your name and contact information to Onspire Health Marketing we will use that personal information to respond to your inquiry. We may also save your information to facilitate new product orders or process returns.
  • To provide, support, personalize, and develop our Website and services.
  • To create, maintain, customize, and secure your account with us, if applicable.
  • To process your requests, purchases, transactions, and payments and prevent transactional fraud, if applicable.
  • To provide you with support and to respond to your inquiries, including to investigate and address your concerns and monitor and improve our responses.
  • To personalize your Website experience and to deliver content and product and service offerings relevant to your interests, including targeted offers and ads through our Website, third-party sites, and via email or text message (with your consent, where required by law).
  • To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Website, products and services, databases and other technology assets, and business.
  • For testing, research, analysis, and product development, including to develop and improve our Website, products, and services.
  • To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
  • As described to you when collecting your personal information or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA.
  • To evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by us about our Website users and consumers is among the assets transferred.

We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.

Sharing Personal Information

We may share your personal information by disclosing it to a third party for a business purpose. We only make these business purpose disclosures under written contracts that describe the purposes, require the recipient to keep the personal information confidential, and prohibit using the disclosed information for any purpose except performing the contract.

We do not sell personal information. In the preceding twelve (12) months, Company has not sold personal information. For more on your personal information sale rights, see Personal Information Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In Rights.

Your Rights and Choices

The CCPA provides consumers (California residents) with specific rights regarding their personal information. This section describes your CCPA rights and explains how to exercise those rights.

Right to Know and Data Portability

You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your personal information over the past 12 months (the “right to know”). Once we receive your request and confirm your identity (see Exercising Your Rights to Know or Delete), we will disclose to you:

  • The categories of personal information we collected about you.
  • The categories of sources for the personal information we collected about you.
  • Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information.
  • The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information. If we sold or disclosed your personal information for a business purpose, two separate lists disclosing:
    • sales, identifying the personal information categories that each category of recipient purchased; and
    • disclosures for a business purpose, identifying the personal information categories that each category of recipient obtained.
  • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you (also called a data portability request).

We do not provide a right to know or data portability disclosure for B2B personal information.

Right to Delete

You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions (the “right to delete”). Once we receive your request and confirm your identity (see Exercising Your Rights to Know or Delete), we will review your request to see if an exception allowing us to retain the information applies. We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service provider(s) to:

  1. Complete the transaction for which we collected the personal information, provide a good or service that you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, fulfill the terms of a written warranty or product recall conducted in accordance with federal law, or otherwise perform our contract with you.
  2. Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities.
  3. Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.
  4. Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech rights, or exercise another right provided for by law.
  5. Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 seq.).
  6. Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, when the information’s deletion may likely render impossible or seriously impair the research’s achievement, if you previously provided informed consent.
  7. Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us.
  8. Comply with a legal obligation.
  9. Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it.

We will delete or deidentify personal information not subject to one of these exceptions from our records and will direct our service providers to take similar action.

We do not provide these deletion rights for B2B personal information.

Exercising Your Rights to Know or Delete

To exercise your rights to know or delete described above, please submit a request by either:

Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf, may make a request to know or delete related to your personal information. To designate an authorized agent, please provide written confirmation of your authority to act on behalf of the California resident on whose behalf you are making a request.

You may also make a request to know or delete on behalf of your child by contacting us as set forth above.

You may only submit a request to know twice within a 12-month period. Your request to know or delete must:

  • Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative.
  • Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information relates to you.

You do not need to create an account with us to submit a request to know or delete.

We will only use personal information provided in the request to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make it.

For instructions on exercising your sale opt-out or opt-in rights, see Personal Information Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In Rights.

Response Timing and Format

We endeavor to substantively respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to another 45 days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing.

If you have an account with us, we will deliver our written response to that account. If you do not have an account with us, we will deliver our written response by mail or electronically, at your option.

Any disclosures we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding our receipt of your request. The response we provide will also explain the reasons we cannot comply with a request, if applicable. For data portability requests, we will select a format to provide your personal information that is readily useable and should allow you to transmit the information from one entity to another entity without hindrance.

We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.

In order to verify your request to access or delete your data, you must provide sufficient information to allow us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information, and you must describe your request with sufficient detail to allow us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to your request.

When we receive your request to exercise your rights under the CCPA: (a) we will acknowledge receipt of your request; (b) we will try to match the information you provide in making the request with information we already maintain about you; (c) if required to verify your identity, we may ask you to provide additional information, including Personal Information; and (d) we will consider various factors when determining how to verify your identity, such as the sensitivity and value of the data, the risk of harm, the likelihood of fraud, etc.

We will only use Personal Information we collect during the verification process for the purpose of verifying your identity. If you maintain an account with us, we may use that account to respond to your request and/or verify your identity. If we are unable to verify your identity as required by applicable laws and regulations, we will decline to comply with your request, and let you know why.

Personal Information Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In Rights

In certain circumstances our use of Cookies may be deemed to be a ‘sale’ under California law.  You have the right to opt-out of our ‘sale’ of your internet collected data when you browse our website.  To exercise the right to opt-out, you (or your authorized representative) may submit a request to us by contacting us using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Once you make an opt-out request, we will wait at least twelve (12) months before asking you to reauthorize personal information sales. However, you may change your mind and opt back in to personal information sales at any time by sending us an email requesting to opt back in.

You do not need to create an account with us to exercise your opt-out rights. We will only use personal information provided in an opt-out request to review and comply with the request.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights. Unless permitted by the CCPA, we will not:

  • Deny you goods or services.
  • Charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or imposing penalties.
  • Provide you a different level or quality of goods or services.
  • Suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.

However, we may offer you certain financial incentives permitted by the CCPA that can result in different prices, rates, or quality levels. Any CCPA-permitted financial incentive we offer will reasonably relate to your personal information’s value and contain written terms that describe the program’s material aspects. Participation in a financial incentive program requires your prior opt-in consent, which you may revoke at any time. We do not currently provide any financial incentives.

Other California Privacy Rights

California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits users of our Website that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

B2B Information

We currently collect certain business to business (B2B) information from vendors, customers, service providers and suppliers in order to conduct our business. This information usually includes e-mail addresses, business addresses, phone numbers, tax information such as EIN and may include Highly Sensitive Information such as credit cards or financial bank information such as account numbers. We do not share this information with third-parties except to perform services or transactions requested by our B2B contacts.

We obtain the categories of personal information listed above from the following categories of sources:

  • Directly from you. For example, from forms you complete or services you purchase from us.
  • Indirectly from you. For example, from observing your actions on our Website.

CCPA Notice at Collection for California Employees and Applicants

We collect and uses Personal Information for human resources, employment, benefits administration, health and safety, and business-related purposes and to be in legal compliance. Below are the categories of Personal Information we collect and the purposes for which we intend to use this information:

  • Identifying information, such as your full name, gender, date of birth, and signature.
  • Demographic data, such as race, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, and veteran or military status.
  • Contact information, such as your home address, telephone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information.
  • Dependent’s or other individual’s information, such as their full name, address, date of birth, and Social Security numbers (SSN).
  • National identifiers, such as SSN, passport and visa information, and immigration status and documentation.
  • Educational and professional background, such as your work history, academic and professional qualifications, educational records, references, and interview notes.
  • Employment details, such as your job title, position, hire dates, compensation, performance and disciplinary records, and vacation and sick leave records.
  • Financial information, such as banking details, tax information, payroll information, and withholdings.
  • Health and Safety information, such as health conditions (if relevant to your employment), job restrictions, workplace illness and injury information, and health insurance policy information.
  • Information Systems (IS) information, such as your search history, browsing history, login information, and IP addresses on the
  • Company’s information systems and networks.
  • Sensory or surveillance information, such as COVID-19 related temperature checks and call monitoring and video surveillance.
  • Profile or summary about an applicant/employee’s preferences, characteristics, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.

The Company collects Personal Information to use or disclose as appropriate to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Recruit and evaluate job applicants and candidates for employment.
  • Conduct background checks.
  • Manage your employment relationship with us, including for:
    • onboarding processes;
    • timekeeping, payroll, and expense report administration;
    • employee benefits administration;
    • employee training and development requirements;
    • the creation, maintenance, and security of your online employee accounts;
    • reaching your emergency contacts when needed, such as when you are not reachable or are injured or ill;
    • workers’ compensation claims management;
    • employee job performance, including goals and performance reviews, promotions, discipline, and termination; and
    • other human resources purposes.
  • Manage and monitor employee access to company facilities, equipment, and systems.
  • Conduct internal audits and workplace investigations.
  • Investigate and enforce compliance with and potential breaches of Company policies and procedures.
  • Engage in corporate transactions requiring review of employee records, such as for evaluating potential mergers and acquisitions of the Company.
  • Maintain commercial insurance policies and coverages, including for workers’ compensation and other liability insurance.
  • Perform workforce analytics, data analytics, and benchmarking.
  • Administer and maintain the Company’s operations, including for safety purposes.
  • For client marketing purposes.
  • Exercise or defend the legal rights of the Company and its employees.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at our discretion and at any time. When we make changes to this privacy policy, we will post the updated notice on the Website and update the notice’s effective date. Your continued use of our Website following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we collect and use your information described here and in the Privacy Policy, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Phone: 803-672-4815


Postal Address:

8720 Red Oak Blvd
Ste 220
Charlotte, North Carolina 28217