What’s New at Onspire Health Marketing

HealthLinks: Flu Vaccine & COVID-19

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging. Use this copy to promote timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics.

What You Should Never Do For Online Marketing

Most of the time we focus on what we should be doing for online marketing and how those things might benefit your practice. At the same time, there are tons of things that you should not be doing that can potentially hurt your practice. Now’s the time to take a step back, assess your overall online marketing plan, and start to do some clean up

What Exactly Are Keywords in SEO?

If you’ve started to research SEO or have recently started a new campaign, you’ve probably seen or heard about the importance of keywords. You may even be spending countless hours searching for those keywords just to see how you’re ranking. Keywords are certainly important, and a great way to gauge some of your online performance, but here are a few things you should know about

HealthLinks: Breast Cancer Awareness

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics.

How to Make the Most of Your Healthcare Marketing in 2020

Like most, you’re probably jumping with joy at the fact that we’re headed into the final quarter of 2020. It’s certainly been an interesting year. But before you sit back and relax, remember that you still have a full four months of work to do and patients to reach. Although you may have done a lot of marketing earlier in the year, here are some

The Relationship Between Google My Business and SEO

If you’ve worked with a marketer, or are just savvy about SEO, you probably have heard about the importance of Google My Business, or GMB. In fact, it’s often one of the first things people will focus on when building a successful online marketing campaign. While you may know it’s important, do you know exactly how it can impact SEO? Here are some answers to

Healthlinks: Nutrition

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You can also place the copy in emails, newsletters, or any other consumer outreach programs.

The Five Truths of SEO for Healthcare

Your biggest competitor down the street is climbing up Google’s rankings and they seem to have a parking lot full of cars every time you drive by their practice. Your practice, on the other hand, is nowhere to be found on Google and you’ve asked your staff to park in various spots to make it seem like you’re busy. Obviously that sounds like a nightmarish

How to Protect Your Practice’s Reputation on Social Media

In the healthcare industry, one of the most rewarding things is that you’ll come across all different types of people. However, just as it is rewarding, it can often times create an interesting scenario to deal with in regards to your reputation. Because social media is essentially “word of mouth” advertising, it’s important to pay close attention and follow a few simple rules to protect

Embark on Your Pregnancy Journey: Insights and Tips for Expecting Parents

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Knowledgebase topics.