What’s New at Onspire Health Marketing

HealthLinks for National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

This April, help your patients stay active and fit by linking to this information on your site. Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You

What Does Voice Search Mean for Your Practice?

“Hey Google, why can I not stop sneezing?”  or “Alexa, where is the closest urgent care?”  These phrases have now become more common than not in homes, and the utilization of voice search is only poised to grow over the next few years. Today’s society has become infatuated with the theory of automation and fast results, and if your practice isn’t working towards being part of

Are Healthcare PPC and SEO Friends or Foes?

If you’ve been active in your company’s marketing, or you are seeking new marketing opportunities, chances are that you have been educated on both PPC and organic SEO. More often than not, these two things will be presented as very separate strategies. One (SEO) is looked at as a way to gain growth over the long-term, which the other (PPC) is looked at as a

Stay Ahead of Google Updates: What Healthcare Websites Need to Know | February 2018

It’s common knowledge in the marketing world that Google routinely makes updates that can both positively and negatively affect one’s online presence. More now than ever, it’s important to stay on top of these updates to ensure that your website and listings are taken care of so that you can benefit from the changes you need to and avoid any penalties. Recently, Google released three

Online Marketing Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

Imagine that you see a great pair of shoes at a store that you really, really can’t pass up, but you notice that they’re four sizes too small. The store is out of other sizes, so you purchase them anyway, knowing deep down that no one will ever see them.  That anecdote seems illogical and highly unlikely for anyone, but it’s something that happens all

How to Market for Patient Wellness and ACOs

Over the past few years, the concept of healthcare value has been given more of a spotlight. Now, with the rise of the Accountable Care Organization (ACO), practices are actively seeking new methods of marketing to drive the idea of consistent patient wellness. While the basic principle of engaging the patient in the whole process, from decision making to follow up, still stands, there are

Small Errors Can Equal Big Marketing Problems

Looking at the big picture, it might seem like your marketing plans are going well. You’re meeting new patients, your site looks beautiful, and your budget seems to be in line for the year. If that’s the case, there mustn’t be anything to worry about, right? While all of these things are phenomenal, if you don’t look at the small parts of your overall marketing

5 Healthcare Marketing Trends for 2018

Can you believe 2017 is almost over? Just like that, 12 months of (hopefully) pure marketing bliss have passed us by, and now it’s time to prepare for the road ahead in 2018. With the presence of healthcare entities on the internet growing every second, it’s going to get more difficult. However, you can rest assured that we have a few important tips that can

How to Keep Your Website Content Readable and Engaging

Writing content for your medical website can be tough. At certain times you’ll want to be scholarly and provide very formal information. At other times, you’ll want to be more conversational and evoke a sense of comfort. The stigma is that those two ideas are so vastly different that it’s nearly impossible to make them work in tandem with one another. However, it’s completely possible

Healthcare Digital Marketing Stats YOU Should Know

With the age of convenience upon us, people are readily using the internet as their first trusted source for health-related information. In fact, over 57% of people are turning to the internet first, with only 32% going to their doctor for a first opinion. It’s more important now than ever before to make sure that your practice or company has a strong web presence, or