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PPC Google results from Practis

The Anatomy of a Google Results Page

Today, around 90% of healthcare searches take place online. That means your practice’s online presence and reputation are more than just important – they’re critical to your growth and success. How do you get to the top of the Google results? You’ll need a variety of strategies to help boost your content, especially in the medical field. PPC advertising is one such strategy. PPC ads

Stethoscope wrapped around the letters "WWW."

4 Ways to Stand Out with Your Medical Website Design and Attract More Patients

Remember, you’re building a website to attract patients, not the space shuttle. In no other area of online marketing is it easier to lose sight of your goals than it is with medical website design. Before you know it, and if you’re not careful, your website can turn into an art project rather than a marketing tool. The reason is that it’s easy to get

How Can Your Healthcare Website Pass the “Six Sigma” Test for Quality?

Quality certifications are considered a mark of excellence in many industries, especially in healthcare. Becoming certified confirms your commitment to quality and the positive impact it will have on your organization. Since your website is a virtual extension of your organization, it should be held to the same standard. There are several key measures that relate to quality, usability and security to determine if your

Cristo Rey Kansas City students show off the apples they received as part of the Apple a Day program.

Students Gain Nutritional Know-How Through Apple a Day Program

April 4, 2018 – Dobies Health Marketing and Natural Grocers returned to Cristo Rey Kansas City today to educate high school students on healthy food choices. The Apple a Day program, which launched last year, pairs corporate sponsors with schools to provide apples and nutrition education to local children, teens and families. The event kicked off Cristo Rey’s Health Day, when students can participate in

HealthLinks for National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

This April, help your patients stay active and fit by linking to this information on your site. Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You

Consumer Demands Give Rise to Telehealth Adoption, and the Value is Becoming Evident

This edition of our #lifecare blog series explores how the rising consumer demand for telehealth is better preparing healthcare providers for long-term sustainability. In “The Emerging Lifecare Model: How consumerism is driving industry collaboration toward health and lifecare as a new strategic platform,” we define lifecare as a new, consumer-centric ecosystem that offers integrated health-related services across the full continuum of consumer needs. Today’s consumers

Does my Appointment Request or Contact Form Need to Be HIPAA Compliant?

At Practis we are frequently asked, “Does my contact or appointment request form need to be secure?”. Most standard contact or appointment request web forms use form mail scripts to collect and email responses over an open unsecure Internet connection. As a medical provider who needs to comply with HIPAA security regulations, this presents a problem.

Reminder to post your revised Notice of Privacy Practices on your website

The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires health plans and covered health care providers develop and distribute a notice that provides a clear, user friendly explanation of individuals rights with respect to their personal health information and the privacy practices of health plans and health care providers.

What Does Voice Search Mean for Your Practice?

“Hey Google, why can I not stop sneezing?”  or “Alexa, where is the closest urgent care?”  These phrases have now become more common than not in homes, and the utilization of voice search is only poised to grow over the next few years. Today’s society has become infatuated with the theory of automation and fast results, and if your practice isn’t working towards being part of

Puzzle pieces fitting together

Healthcare Consolidation: How Non-Traditional Partnerships are Improving Consumer Options

In our first #lifecare series blog post, we addressed how consumer knowledge shifts are driving change. Through advances in technology, in particular, consumers have better access to information about their health and are playing a more prominent role in their health-related decisions. They are responding with increased demand for more and better information. To keep pace with this demand, traditional and non-traditional entities are joining