What’s New at Onspire Health Marketing

How to Easily Create Videos for Your Medical Practice

In the era of convenience, videos tend to be something a lot of website users look towards for instructions, details, or more bits of information about your practice. Although you may be thinking that you don’t have the equipment to create a video or the budget to hire a videographer, there are a number of solutions out there for you. By getting familiar with a

Why Engagement Is a Top Marketing Statistic in Healthcare

Despite the fact that human interaction hasn’t been the main focus over the past year or so, developing a personal connection remains something important for most people, especially when it comes to healthcare. Because you can’t necessarily gauge personal connections within analytics, it’s important to use some statistics, like overall engagement, to your advantage. Here are a few reasons engagement is so important and what

Update Your Medical Website to be WCAG Compliant & Get Up to a $5,000 Tax Credit

As a practice, you are always looking for ways to reduce costs and better serve your patients. Did you know that by making your website more accessible you could be eligible for up to a $5,000 tax credit? If you are a small practice with less than 30 employees, through the IRS Code Section 44 Disabled Access Credit, your practice can qualify for a tax

Why ADA Compliance Matters for Healthcare Websites

Sit back for a second and think about how much has changed in the last 20 years when it comes to technology. Our phones are used for most things, cars are smarter than we could’ve ever expected, and homes are controlled with just our voices. Now dial back another decade before that to 1990 and think how much has changed since then. When the Americans

Ideas to improve the patient experience.

This One Thing Can Increase Patient Loyalty – Plus, You’ll Sell More Hearing Aids Too

Why do patients wait, on average, seven years before seeking help with their hearing? They don’t see the urgency. They don’t understand how it connects to their overall health and the health of their brain. But what if you could show that urgency and monitor not only their hearing but their cognitive abilities? “It’s one thing to be told you’re hearing is at 60% of

Tips to Keep Your Practice’s Social Media Engaging

In the digital marketing world, social media is one of the more tangible elements that drive your online campaigns. Unlike the more “behind the scenes” work done for SEO, social media can be seen by the masses almost immediately. This means that you’ll want to keep the material you post up-to-date and share engaging content for your current and potential patients. Since we know this

How Google’s Latest Announcements Impact Your Website | February 2021

Just because we’re still getting adjusted to writing 2021 instead of 2020 doesn’t mean Google is moving any slower than usual. In fact, they’ve released a variety of new updates that could have a big impact on your healthcare website or the way you analyze data. It’s crucial to monitor these updates proactively, as finding out about them after the fact can potentially be disastrous

HealthLinks: Shared Decision Making

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You can also place the copy in emails, newsletters, or any other patient materials.

Dobies Health Marketing Recognized as Healthy KC Workplace Wellness Certified Business

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Dobies Health Marketing is proud to again be recognized as a Healthy KC Workplace Wellness Certified business, receiving Gold honors for its company health and wellness efforts in 2020-21. This certification comes from the Healthy KC Workplace Wellness initiative, created in 2014 by the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City.