What’s New at Onspire Health Marketing

audiologist using marketing strategy from MedPB and doubling her practice's revenue

2 Simple Steps to Audiology Practice Growth to Attract More Patients & Profits

When you’ve been helping audiology practices grow for as long as we have, it’s easy to spot people who just want you to tell you what they want to hear, and others who really want to grow their practices no matter what. We look for clients who trust us enough to try what we suggest, even when it doesn’t seem like it makes sense to

video marketing for ents and audiologists

Effective Video Marketing Ideas & Tips for Audiologists & ENT Doctors

Have you ever seen a movie based on your favorite book and been terribly disappointed? There are two ways, we think, that this can happen. Either the movie is completely unfaithful to the book (in that case, what’s the point) or the movie was too faithful to the book–it tried to capture every single sentence and, as a result, fell flat. The best book-to-film adaptations