What’s New at Onspire Health Marketing

Which Audiology Marketing Lies Can Kill Your Practice

OK, I confess, I used to tell myself little lies too. I’d think I was reformed, and then I’d catch myself again. I’d tell myself things like: “It’s non-fat, so it’s OK.” “This time I’m totally committed to keeping my New Year’s Resolutions.” “People aren’t buying because the economy is bad.” “French fries count as vegetables.” These tiny lies slip by in part because they

Healthlinks – Breast Cancer Awareness

Keep your website, newsletter, and social media content fresh and engaging with Patient Education Healthwise HealthLinks. The copy promotes timely health themes by highlighting topics in the Healthwise Knowledgebase. Use the copy below on your website homepage or condition-specific pages, and create links to the related Healthwise Knowledgebase topics. You can also place the copy in emails, newsletters, or any other consumer outreach programs. 

A primary care physician counsels a patient.

Advancing Rural Health: Promoting the Value of Primary Care

As we continue our series on Advancing Rural Health, we recognize rural Americans experience a unique combination of factors that create disparities in healthcare not found in urban areas. This market environment creates the need for innovative thinking and a strong connection with the community that fosters better health. In our strategy work with rural and critical access hospitals, we are continually reminded how primary